Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dogs with severe pneumonia often sit ...


caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or. Bacterial and viral pneumonia >> << often precede infection in the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Pneumonia is uncommon in healthy adults. It is usually aimed at very young and very

old, and those whose immune systems are compromised due

corticosteroids or chronic >> << disease. Dogs with chronic, collapsing trachea,

, or foreign bodies in the lower respiratory tract often develop bacterial pneumonia >>. << Inhalation or aspiration pneumonia occurs with, gastrointestinal reflux

, paralysis of swallowing mechanism, and reflux of gastric contents into the lungs

during general anesthesia or. Chemical pneumonia

caused by the inhalation of smoke or swallow hydrocarbons such as gasoline or kerosene

. signs of pneumonia, fever, depression, rapid

breathing, rapid pulse, and sometimes

, that fat> > << mucus. Cough and humid bubbles, indicating fluid buy strattera online in the lungs. Dogs with severe pneumonia often sat with his head and elbows extended

turned out for the greater expansion of the chest. Diagnosis is based on chest X-ray and blood tests. Bacterial culture and

test the sensitivity of help in selecting the most effective antibiotics. Treatment of dogs with fever and signs of respiratory infection should receive immediate veterinary

assistance. Take the dog to the hospital immediately. Do not let

suppress cough. advantageous because it

clears the airways and makes breathing easier. Bacterial infection responds well to the selected

specifically for the bacteria that cause disease. Your veterinarian

to select the most suitable drug. Antibiotics should be continued for at

measure for three weeks, or for further X-ray of the chest shows purification. Perhaps attracted by causes such as gastro-oesophageal reflux and bronchial

foreign body should be considered to prevent recurrence. .

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